



Women's Ministry

joyceOur vision is to empower women to become women after God's own heart through workshops, seminars, intercessory prayer and encouragement to become discipline in the plan of God. We will share practical insights about following God in every area of life. Insights include, but are not limited to, the following: nurturing an impassioned relationship with God, loving your husband, enjoying your children, caring for your home, experiencing personal growth and giving to others.   

Our ministry will reach out to women who are institutionalized and broken from a beaten path, encouraging them to give God the opportunity to heal their brokenness, while helping them to forget their past, and to press toward the mark of a higher calling in Christ Jesus. Moreover, the ministry is designed to encourage women to allow God to do a new thing in their lives while learning to be victorious in every aspect of daily living.

Please join us as we realize this powerful vision. Your prayers, participation and love is greatly appreciated. May the Lord bless you above measures! --Minister Joyce Moore

Stand Firm!
by 1st Lady Minister Joyce


First Lady Joyce Moore invites you to join her and Pastor Shanell Morrison of Grace Church on their weekly Prayer Conference Call. We are gathered on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Central Time. Can you pray with us for one hour?



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